I plan to use htseq to count the sorted sam files for DEseq analysis. However, after a few line, it reports error.
Error occured in line 3030067 of file ....._2_sorted.sam.
Error: ('SAM line does not contain at least 11 tab-delimited fields.', 'line 3030067 of file ....._2_sorted.sam')
[Exception type: ValueError, raised in _HTSeq.pyx:1274]
I don't know what the problem it is.
Thanks for the answer in advance.
I plan to use htseq to count the sorted sam files for DEseq analysis. However, after a few line, it reports error.
Error occured in line 3030067 of file ....._2_sorted.sam.
Error: ('SAM line does not contain at least 11 tab-delimited fields.', 'line 3030067 of file ....._2_sorted.sam')
[Exception type: ValueError, raised in _HTSeq.pyx:1274]
I don't know what the problem it is.
Thanks for the answer in advance.