I have a problem and I don't understand the flag number to extract alignment.
So my question is I want to extract from a bowtie alignment all the reads if one mapped and the other does'nt map to do a CV analysing after.
I want only unmmaped reads if one pair mapped properly only.
I tried -f 3 -F 260
and -f 4 -F 264 but it does not give me what i want, if anyone can help me.
------- ----------
Map Unmapped
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Unmapped Map
Thank you very much
I have a problem and I don't understand the flag number to extract alignment.
So my question is I want to extract from a bowtie alignment all the reads if one mapped and the other does'nt map to do a CV analysing after.
I want only unmmaped reads if one pair mapped properly only.
I tried -f 3 -F 260
and -f 4 -F 264 but it does not give me what i want, if anyone can help me.
------- ----------
Map Unmapped
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Unmapped Map
Thank you very much