Hi All,
I met a problem when I run the tophat, there was an error: segment-based junction search failed with err = 1. Therefore, there is no juction.bed file and wig file. Can someone give me some hints what mistakes I have made?
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan% ls
Bic.txt control.txt.zip mm9.2.ebwt mm9.fa tophat_out
Bic.txt.zip make_mm9.sh mm9.3.ebwt mm9.rev.1.ebwt
control.txt mm9.1.ebwt mm9.4.ebwt mm9.rev.2.ebwt
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan% tophat --solexa1.3-quals mm9 Bic.txt
Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Beginning TopHat run (v1.0.11)
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Preparing output location ./tophat_out/
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for Bowtie index files
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for reference FASTA file
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking reads
seed length: 76bp
format: fastq
quality scale: --solexa1.3-quals
[Fri Jan 29 10:27:01 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 12:28:40 2010] Joining segment hits
Splitting reads into 3 segments
[Fri Jan 29 12:39:19 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 14:01:04 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 15:20:38 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 16:42:19 2010] Searching for junctions via segment mapping
Error: segment-based junction search failed with err = 1
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan%
I met a problem when I run the tophat, there was an error: segment-based junction search failed with err = 1. Therefore, there is no juction.bed file and wig file. Can someone give me some hints what mistakes I have made?
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan% ls
Bic.txt control.txt.zip mm9.2.ebwt mm9.fa tophat_out
Bic.txt.zip make_mm9.sh mm9.3.ebwt mm9.rev.1.ebwt
control.txt mm9.1.ebwt mm9.4.ebwt mm9.rev.2.ebwt
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan% tophat --solexa1.3-quals mm9 Bic.txt
Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Beginning TopHat run (v1.0.11)
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Preparing output location ./tophat_out/
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for Bowtie index files
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for reference FASTA file
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[Fri Jan 29 10:16:29 2010] Checking reads
seed length: 76bp
format: fastq
quality scale: --solexa1.3-quals
[Fri Jan 29 10:27:01 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 12:28:40 2010] Joining segment hits
Splitting reads into 3 segments
[Fri Jan 29 12:39:19 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 14:01:04 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 15:20:38 2010] Mapping reads against mm9 with Bowtie
[Fri Jan 29 16:42:19 2010] Searching for junctions via segment mapping
Error: segment-based junction search failed with err = 1
[204:~/desktop/wei/data] alan%