I have a question about the bbmap summary output. Here is an example:
What does an N rate of 72% mean in this context? The reference has 0 bases that are N. There are 20,000 out of the 1 million reads that contain an N. The N Rate percent bases of 0.6% seems high compared to 20,000 reads with 1 or 2 Ns, but closer to what I think I see than the 72% N for reads.
Reads Used: 1061591 (151284618 bases) Mapping: 15.250 seconds. Reads/sec: 69611.57 kBases/sec: 9920.17 Read 1 data: pct reads num reads pct bases num bases mapped: 76.2432% 809391 77.6086% 117409909 unambiguous: 75.3885% 800318 76.8084% 116199316 ambiguous: 0.8547% 9073 0.8002% 1210593 low-Q discards: 0.0000% 0 0.0000% 0 perfect best site: 11.4049% 121073 9.7282% 14717263 semiperfect site: 58.9222% 625513 60.0540% 90852423 Match Rate: NA NA 99.1429% 116413381 Error Rate: 20.6634% 183594 0.2527% 296692 Sub Rate: 19.9279% 177059 0.2369% 278137 Del Rate: 0.6244% 5548 0.0084% 9819 Ins Rate: 0.6302% 5599 0.0074% 8736 N Rate: 72.0298% 639985 0.6044% 709655