I have illumina paired-end reads (1.fastq and 2.fastq) of genomic reads sequenced through hiseq2000. Since my genomic reads (around 100 Gb in size each reads) and also have constraint in computing power (shortage of memory and space- working in Dell workstation). I need to know coverage and insert size for my genome without doing denovo assembly and mapping the reads to it. I know some tools which calculate insert size and coverage from sam/bam file like qualimap, qatools.
1. Is there any tool which estimate in approx the coverage and insert size with out doing asembling and mapping?
2. If no tools available, can I extract 10% of random reads, to do denovo assemble and map the reads to find coverage and insert size?
1. Is there any tool which estimate in approx the coverage and insert size with out doing asembling and mapping?
2. If no tools available, can I extract 10% of random reads, to do denovo assemble and map the reads to find coverage and insert size?