Hi all,
I'm using samtools/mpileup to find variants in my resequencing data of multiple samples together. I and got one vcf file with SNPs and Indels.
I am applying many different filtrations but I would like to filter based on strand bias, for example
Chr1_66769 G A 135 PASS DP=259;VDB=9.53273e-06;SGB=-37.5721;RPB=0.988496;MQB=2.5526e-0
6;MQSB=0.0499642;BQB=0.235831;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.0671329;HOB=0.0246914;AC=6;AN=54;DP4=87,156,0,10 ...
I would like to remove variants with 0 reads in the forward or reverse strand for the alternative allele. In other words variant supported by both forward and reverse strands.
I did not find any command to do it, only manual. Any suggestion?
Other question is how to remove from vcf file the alternative alleles, I do not want this info in my filtered file.
Chr11_6676982 C G,A .....
I would like to have
Chr11_6676982 C G .....
Thanks very much
I'm using samtools/mpileup to find variants in my resequencing data of multiple samples together. I and got one vcf file with SNPs and Indels.
I am applying many different filtrations but I would like to filter based on strand bias, for example
Chr1_66769 G A 135 PASS DP=259;VDB=9.53273e-06;SGB=-37.5721;RPB=0.988496;MQB=2.5526e-0
6;MQSB=0.0499642;BQB=0.235831;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.0671329;HOB=0.0246914;AC=6;AN=54;DP4=87,156,0,10 ...
I would like to remove variants with 0 reads in the forward or reverse strand for the alternative allele. In other words variant supported by both forward and reverse strands.
I did not find any command to do it, only manual. Any suggestion?
Other question is how to remove from vcf file the alternative alleles, I do not want this info in my filtered file.
Chr11_6676982 C G,A .....
I would like to have
Chr11_6676982 C G .....
Thanks very much