I am trying to use GATK to do base quality recalibration followed by local realignment to reduce the flase positive indels.
I am finding problem in getting GATK to work as have few doubts and smra seems very easy in a sigle step to move ahead. Anyone has done the comparison before.
I am struck with GATK where in the first step of realignment step,
for the option L, what is the format of the file. My region of interest would be around 19000 regions from hg18 (all chromosomes). Regardsing -B option, I have only hg18 rod file downloaded from GATK site. How to proceed these steps.
I would appreciate very much if someone could through light on these queries. Thanks.
I am trying to use GATK to do base quality recalibration followed by local realignment to reduce the flase positive indels.
I am finding problem in getting GATK to work as have few doubts and smra seems very easy in a sigle step to move ahead. Anyone has done the comparison before.
I am struck with GATK where in the first step of realignment step,
java -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \ -T RealignerTargetCreator \ -I /path/to/input.bam \ -R /path/to/reference.fasta \ [-L intervals] \ -o /path/to/output.intervals \ [-B snps,VCF,/path/to/SNP_calls.vcf] \ [-B indels,VCF,/path/to/indel_calls.vcf] \ [-B dbsnp,dbsnp,/path/to/dbsnp.rod]
I would appreciate very much if someone could through light on these queries. Thanks.