Instead of using an ncbi database, I ran the makeblastdb command on a fasta file I downloaded from ncbi.
The following script will produce output for me:
However, when I modify the script as follows, I get absolutely no output.
Why? I'm really at a loss. I tried removing my -evalue 10E-30 (thinking maybe I was being too stringent), but still blank. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance on this problem.
The following script will produce output for me:
#!/bin/bash /homes/bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.2.29+/bin/blastn -db ~/databases/tbd -query ~/databases/even_tribolium.fasta -out output.txt
However, when I modify the script as follows, I get absolutely no output.
#!/bin/bash /homes/bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.2.29+/bin/blastn -db ~/databases/tbd -query ~/databases/even_tribolium.fasta -out output.txt -evalue 10E-30 -outfmt "6 qseqid sgi sseqid pident length mismatch qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids"