Hi users,
someone knows what is the difference between:
>samtools rmdup
>samtools rmdup -S.
They remove PCR duplicates in paired end data, and the tutorial says that -S option it's useful to treat PE reads as single-end data.
I run both the script and, starting from a 750Mb bam file, I generated 650Mb bam file (without using -S option) and 350Mb bam file (using -S option).
Thanx a lot!
someone knows what is the difference between:
>samtools rmdup
>samtools rmdup -S.
They remove PCR duplicates in paired end data, and the tutorial says that -S option it's useful to treat PE reads as single-end data.
I run both the script and, starting from a 750Mb bam file, I generated 650Mb bam file (without using -S option) and 350Mb bam file (using -S option).
Thanx a lot!