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  • Something wrong in FlyBase's gtf (gff to gtf conversion)

    Hi All,

    I wanted to re-create FlyBase's gtf (FB2015_04) from the gff file. It is a different matter why I want to do that.

    So I parsed the dmel-all-r6.07.gff to a gtf file using my own program. I found a few genes/transcripts that are not what I expected. Bear with me on that one. For the sake of simplicity I am giving an example for one gene, but there are 23 such cases.

    In the gff file for gene FBgn0031926 and transcript FBtr0335486 these are the lines, excluding a few not relevant ones.

    2L FlyBase CDS 7613405 7614199 . + 0 Parent=FBtr0079472,FBtr0335486
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614326 7614695 . + 0 Parent=FBtr0079472,FBtr0335486
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614843 7615444 . + 2 Parent=FBtr0335486
    2L FlyBase CDS 7615576 7615578 . + 0 Parent=FBtr0335486
    2L FlyBase three_prime_UTR 7615579 7615967 . + . Parent=FBtr0335486
    2L FlyBase three_prime_UTR 7616117 7616533 . + . Parent=FBtr0335486

    The start_codon is not a problem and the first 3 CDS. The problem comes when one tries to create a stop_codon. The last CDS (7615576-7615578) is basically the stop codon. So from that the stop_codon becomes:
    2L FlyBase CDS 7615576 7615578

    Then one has to delete the last CDS (7615576-7615578), as it is just the stop_codon. This is how I parse it:

    2L FlyBase start_codon 7613405 7613407 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7613405 7614199 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614326 7614695 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614843 7615444 . + 2 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase stop_codon 7615576 7615578 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase 3UTR 7615579 7615967 . + . gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase 3UTR 7616117 7616533 . + . gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";

    Everything is as it should be. Nevertheless, the FlyBase gtf file for this transcript has the following:

    2L FlyBase start_codon 7613405 7613407 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7613405 7614199 7 + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614326 7614695 7 + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7614843 7615444 7 + 2 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase CDS 7615575 7615575 7 + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase stop_codon 7615576 7615578 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase 3UTR 7615579 7615967 7 + . gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";
    2L FlyBase 3UTR 7616117 7616533 7 + . gene_id "FBgn0031926"; gene_symbol "CG6739"; transcript_id "FBtr0335486"; transcript_symbol "CG6739-RB";

    Look into the last CDS (7615575-7615575), it includes a single base from the intronic region. Either I am wrongly reading the specifications for the GTF files ( or FlyBase somewhat makes it differently than how it should be.

    I also looked at Ensembl's GTF file and there they completely remove the stop_codon and the 3UTR starts from where the stop_codon should start. They have also removed the last CDS. Ensembl's gtf is also a bit suspicious, as there is no stop_codon for that particular gene and the other 22 cases.

    I also looked at UCSC's (dm3), downloaded from tophat, and there everything is as I calculate the stop_codon.

    My question is, is this an error by FlyBase/Ensembl and how should this be correctly done?

    Many thanks indeed for any insight into this one.

  • #2
    Additional frame inconsistencies

    Unfortunately no one has suggested reasonable explanation for my previous problems.

    Additionally to that I also found a few frame inconsistencies, i.e. column 8 (count from 1).

    For the gene: FBgn0033313 and transcript: FBtr0305081 there is something not quite right with the frame of the start_codons, i.e. column 8.
    The gff for this gene and transcript reads for the first few CDS:

    2R FlyBase CDS 8616078 8616078 . + 0 Parent=FBtr0305081
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616327 8616516 . + 2 Parent=FBtr0310448,FBtr0310449,FBtr0305081
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616700 8618171 . + 1 Parent=FBtr0290112,FBtr0301363,FBtr0310448,FBtr0310449,FBtr0305080,FBtr0305081,FBtr0305082
    2R FlyBase CDS 8618234 8618461 . + 2 Parent=FBtr0290112,FBtr0301363,FBtr0310448,FBtr0310449,FBtr0305080,FBtr0305081,FBtr0305082

    I parsed to:

    2R FlyBase start_codon 8616078 8616078 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase start_codon 8616327 8616328 . + 2 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616078 8616078 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616327 8616516 . + 2 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";

    Nevertheless, in FlyBase's gtf the frame of the second start_codon is:

    2R FlyBase start_codon 8616078 8616078 . + 0 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase start_codon 8616327 8616328 . + 1 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616078 8616078 15 + 0 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";
    2R FlyBase CDS 8616327 8616516 15 + 2 gene_id "FBgn0033313"; gene_symbol "Cirl"; transcript_id "FBtr0305081"; transcript_symbol "Cirl-RG";

    Note the frame is 1 in start_codon 8616327 8616328. As this start_codon has two bases, then according to the gtf2.2 guidelines, the frame should be 2, i.e. the third base in the feature is the start of a codon. This is not the only case of such mis-framing around, I count quite a few.

    I checked this in Ensembl's gtf and this appears to be 2 as I parsed it. Do you think I should I contact FlyBase to inquire about these.

    Many thanks indeed for any help.


    • #3
      Originally posted by saskak View Post
      I checked this in Ensembl's gtf and this appears to be 2 as I parsed it. Do you think I should I contact FlyBase to inquire about these.
      Yes. They will know their dataset better than most of us on SeqAnswers. If there is a problem then they will appreciate knowing about it.


      • #4

        Contacted FlyBase and it turned out they had a bug/s in their annotation pipeline. Should be fixed in the 6.08 gtf file.


        • #5
          Thanks for the follow up and getting this corrected!


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