We've de novo assembled our RNA-Seq reads (about 50 millions 2×75 reads) into contigs by several de novo assemblers with different parameters. Most of the contigs we’ve get were very short due to the poor sequencing quality and the low sequencing depth. The contigs from each assmbler under different parameters varied from eachother, but some of them had overlaps. So these contigs may be assembled into longer contigs. The problem is that we couldn't assemble millions of contigs into supercontigs manually. Moreover, our computer resources were very low (12G RAM, 8 core CPU, 500G spaces). Is anyone knows how to assmeble these contigs into longer contigs with our limited computer resources, and which software could handle the assemble task.
We've de novo assembled our RNA-Seq reads (about 50 millions 2×75 reads) into contigs by several de novo assemblers with different parameters. Most of the contigs we’ve get were very short due to the poor sequencing quality and the low sequencing depth. The contigs from each assmbler under different parameters varied from eachother, but some of them had overlaps. So these contigs may be assembled into longer contigs. The problem is that we couldn't assemble millions of contigs into supercontigs manually. Moreover, our computer resources were very low (12G RAM, 8 core CPU, 500G spaces). Is anyone knows how to assmeble these contigs into longer contigs with our limited computer resources, and which software could handle the assemble task.