Hi Trinity community,
I am working on step 6. Running RNAMMER to identify rRNA transcripts of the Trinoate protocol detailed on https://trinotate.github.io/ . Getting rnammer to work properly has been problematic, I suspect because the most recent version of the program was released in 2006 and is not compatible with the newer versions of Perl installed on our cluster.
Specifically, the program has not been able to find the module XML/Simple.pm. An example of the error messages is below:
Does anyone know which version of Perl rnammer was developed to work with? Or has anyone encountered and worked around a similar problem?
NB: I have posted this same question on the Trinity Google Groups forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!to...rs/BY8HsR0Rv8A
I am working on step 6. Running RNAMMER to identify rRNA transcripts of the Trinoate protocol detailed on https://trinotate.github.io/ . Getting rnammer to work properly has been problematic, I suspect because the most recent version of the program was released in 2006 and is not compatible with the newer versions of Perl installed on our cluster.
Specifically, the program has not been able to find the module XML/Simple.pm. An example of the error messages is below:
Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
//global/software/perlbrew//perls/perl-5.14.4/lib/5.14.4 .) at
/lustre/home/gwilymh/src/rnammer-1.2/xml2gff line 4. <-- NB: I added EOL characters here to make the error message easier to read
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /filepath/src/rnammer-1.2/xml2gff line 4.
error converting xml into gff
Error, cmd: perl /filepath/src/rnammer-1.2/rnammer -S euk -m tsu,lsu,ssu -gff tmp.superscaff.rnammer.gff < transcriptSuperScaffold.fasta died with ret 256 at /global/software/trinotate/Trinotate-2.0.2/util/rnammer_support/RnammerTranscriptome.pl line 80.
//global/software/perlbrew//perls/perl-5.14.4/lib/5.14.4 .) at
/lustre/home/gwilymh/src/rnammer-1.2/xml2gff line 4. <-- NB: I added EOL characters here to make the error message easier to read
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /filepath/src/rnammer-1.2/xml2gff line 4.
error converting xml into gff
Error, cmd: perl /filepath/src/rnammer-1.2/rnammer -S euk -m tsu,lsu,ssu -gff tmp.superscaff.rnammer.gff < transcriptSuperScaffold.fasta died with ret 256 at /global/software/trinotate/Trinotate-2.0.2/util/rnammer_support/RnammerTranscriptome.pl line 80.
Does anyone know which version of Perl rnammer was developed to work with? Or has anyone encountered and worked around a similar problem?
NB: I have posted this same question on the Trinity Google Groups forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!to...rs/BY8HsR0Rv8A