MinHash Sketch is a method of rapidly comparing large strings or sets. In genomics, you can use it like this:
1) Gather all the kmers in a genome.
2) Apply a hash function to them.
3) Keep the 10000 smallest hashcodes and call this set a "sketch".
If you do this for multiple genomes, you can calculate how similar two genomes are much faster than via alignment; and specifically, the greatest advantage is that the speed of sketch comparison is unrelated to genome size. For example, if you assemble something, you can sketch it and compare it to sketches of everything in nt or RefSeq in a couple seconds. If the top hit shows that your new sketch shared 90% of its hash codes with E.coli, that means it has roughly 90% kmer identity to E.coli, and therefore, it is E.coli.
The BBMap package has an extremely efficient MinHash Sketch implementation, now accessible through 4 programs. The latest, just released in BBMap 36.92, is SendSketch:
This will make a sketch of your assembly, open an HTTP connection to JGI's taxonomy server, and send the sketch. The server will compare it to sketches of all of nt, and return the top hits. This is kind of convenient because the sketches sit around in memory all the time rather than needing to be loaded. Alternately, you can run a local server with "taxserver.sh" if you want to use a different database.
The other tools are for processing sketches locally. To sketch and query refseq, for example:
That will produce one sketch per sequence, and split them among 31 output files (for rapid loading). Alternatively, and preferably, you can produce one sketch per taxID, like this:
That will produce only one sketch per species, so for things like E.coli with thousands of variants, you won't get thousands of sketches, just one. For some purposes the subspecies level is probably better, though. tree.taxtree.gz and gitable.int1d.gz are created from NCBI's tax dump, like this:
Now that you have created some sketches, you can query them like this:
"in=" can be a comma-delimited list of either fasta or sketch files. Also, you can turn an input fasta into one sketch per sequence rather than just a single sketch with the "mode=sequence" flag. If you want to process using taxonomic information, add "tree=taxtree.gz" as well. You alternately compare raw fastq reads if you want. KmerCountExact can produce sketches like this:
That will make a sketch only from kmers occuring at least 5 times (to avoid error kmers). Overall, the process is probably similar speed-wise to assembling with Tadpole and feeding the assembly to SendSketch/CompareSketch:
So, that's how you run Sketch. Now, what does the output mean? Here's an example, using a strain of Aspergillus:
"matches" is the number of matching kmers (well, technically hash codes) between the query and reference sketch. KID (or kmer identity) is simply the percent of the kmers that matched, while WKID is the weighted kmer identity, which has been adjusted to compensate for genome size. For example, say human chromosome 1 is 8% of the human genome. It would get a KID of 8% when compared to human, since it would only share 8% of the kmers, but the WKID would still be 100%. So, that's the column that tells you the actual sequence similarity (disregarding size).
taxID is the NCBI taxon identifier, gSize is the number of bases used to create the sketch, and "compared" basically tells you how many kmers were compared before the went out of the kmer range of the larger sketch (this is related to genome size and WKID calculation).
As you can see, there are a few kmer hits to other Aspergillus strains, but what we have here is clearly Aspergillus nidulans.
1) Gather all the kmers in a genome.
2) Apply a hash function to them.
3) Keep the 10000 smallest hashcodes and call this set a "sketch".
If you do this for multiple genomes, you can calculate how similar two genomes are much faster than via alignment; and specifically, the greatest advantage is that the speed of sketch comparison is unrelated to genome size. For example, if you assemble something, you can sketch it and compare it to sketches of everything in nt or RefSeq in a couple seconds. If the top hit shows that your new sketch shared 90% of its hash codes with E.coli, that means it has roughly 90% kmer identity to E.coli, and therefore, it is E.coli.
The BBMap package has an extremely efficient MinHash Sketch implementation, now accessible through 4 programs. The latest, just released in BBMap 36.92, is SendSketch:
sendsketch.sh in=contigs.fa
The other tools are for processing sketches locally. To sketch and query refseq, for example:
sketch.sh in=refseq.fa.gz out=refseq#.sketch files=31 mode=sequence
sketch.sh in=refseq.fa.gz out=refseq#.sketch files=31 mode=taxa tree=tree.taxtree.gz gi=gitable.int1d.gz taxlevel=species
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdmp.zip wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz unzip taxdmp.zip taxtree.sh names.dmp nodes.dmp tree.taxtree.gz gitable.sh gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz,gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz gitable.int1d.gz
comparesketch.sh in=contigs.fa refseq*.sketch
kmercountexact.sh in=reads.fq sketch=out.sketch mincount=5
tadpole.sh in=reads.fq out=contigs.fa sendsketch.sh in=contigs.fa
sendsketch.sh in=ref.fa Loaded 1 sketches in 1.288 seconds. Results for ChrIII_A_nidulans_FGSC_A4: WKID 99.75% KID 96.96% matches 9696 compared 9720 taxID 227321 gSize 43368715 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4 WKID 0.10% KID 0.05% matches 5 compared 5103 taxID 331117 gSize 14931471 Aspergillus fischeri NRRL 181 WKID 0.06% KID 0.04% matches 4 compared 6204 taxID 1509407 gSize 18030896 Aspergillus nomius NRRL 13137 WKID 0.05% KID 0.04% matches 4 compared 8485 taxID 5061 gSize 39417003 Aspergillus niger WKID 0.07% KID 0.03% matches 3 compared 4561 taxID 344612 gSize 13236981 Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1 WKID 0.06% KID 0.03% matches 3 compared 4654 taxID 330879 gSize 13837118 Aspergillus fumigatus Af293 Total Time: 2.605 seconds.
taxID is the NCBI taxon identifier, gSize is the number of bases used to create the sketch, and "compared" basically tells you how many kmers were compared before the went out of the kmer range of the larger sketch (this is related to genome size and WKID calculation).
As you can see, there are a few kmer hits to other Aspergillus strains, but what we have here is clearly Aspergillus nidulans.