I am trying to map my SOLiD reads in Maq. I have converted my reads from .csfasta and .qual to .fastq using 'solid2fastq.pl'. I then generated a binary file using 'maq fastq2bfq'. I turned my reference genome (GRCh37) from .fa to .csfa using 'maq fasta2csfa' and made this binary using 'fasta2bfa'.
When I use 'maq map' I get a segmentation fault. There is no other information. Here is my command;
maq map -c aln.cs.map ref.csbfa reads.bfq 2> aln.log
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I am currently using v0.7.1, but have tried the same command on earlier versions and get the same. I am wondering is the 'maq fasta2csfa' accepts reference in '.fa'?
I am trying to map my SOLiD reads in Maq. I have converted my reads from .csfasta and .qual to .fastq using 'solid2fastq.pl'. I then generated a binary file using 'maq fastq2bfq'. I turned my reference genome (GRCh37) from .fa to .csfa using 'maq fasta2csfa' and made this binary using 'fasta2bfa'.
When I use 'maq map' I get a segmentation fault. There is no other information. Here is my command;
maq map -c aln.cs.map ref.csbfa reads.bfq 2> aln.log
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I am currently using v0.7.1, but have tried the same command on earlier versions and get the same. I am wondering is the 'maq fasta2csfa' accepts reference in '.fa'?