[bcf_sync] incorrect number of fields Error:
Has anyone encountered this error ('[bcf_sync] incorrect number of fields (0 != 5)') and found a solution already:
vcfutils.pl splitchr -l 50000000 ucsc.hg19.fasta.fai | xargs -i echo samtools mpileup -I -C50 -m3 -F0.0002 -DSuf ucsc.hg19.fasta -r {} -b bam.list | bcftools view -bcvg - /> part-{}.bcf
[bcf_sync] incorrect number of fields (0 != 5) at 0:0
[afs] 0:0.000
xargs: echo: terminated by signal 13
Appreciate your advice.
Has anyone encountered this error ('[bcf_sync] incorrect number of fields (0 != 5)') and found a solution already:
vcfutils.pl splitchr -l 50000000 ucsc.hg19.fasta.fai | xargs -i echo samtools mpileup -I -C50 -m3 -F0.0002 -DSuf ucsc.hg19.fasta -r {} -b bam.list | bcftools view -bcvg - /> part-{}.bcf
[bcf_sync] incorrect number of fields (0 != 5) at 0:0
[afs] 0:0.000
xargs: echo: terminated by signal 13
Appreciate your advice.