I used samtools mpileup to call SNPs and indels, followed by vcfutils.pl, as suggested in http://samtools.sourceforge.net/mpileup.shtml
I wonder if there are additional filters that I should use for exome data. I saw in publication people use for example, ">=3 reads support a variation", ">=5% on both strands", "consensus quality >=20". I know "-d3" can be used to assign a minimum number of reads, but can anyone tell me how to set filters for the strand bias? And is the 6th column (QUAL) the "consensus quality" which should be required to be >=20?
Any help is appreciated! Thank you
I wonder if there are additional filters that I should use for exome data. I saw in publication people use for example, ">=3 reads support a variation", ">=5% on both strands", "consensus quality >=20". I know "-d3" can be used to assign a minimum number of reads, but can anyone tell me how to set filters for the strand bias? And is the 6th column (QUAL) the "consensus quality" which should be required to be >=20?
Any help is appreciated! Thank you