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  • looking to outsource DNA shearing

    Hello- I work for a lab at UNC-Chapel Hill and we are hoping to find a way to outsource shearing of at least 1000 DNA samples. We need to keep these in 96 well plate format, and would be doing this in batches of 3-4 plates at a time, therefore we are searching for a company or academic core facility with an instrument capable of high-throughput shearing. We have already contacted Covaris, but the cost was way outside of our budget.
    Thank you for any suggestions!

  • #2
    If you find anybody with access to a Covaris they should be able to sonicate 1 plate for you at a time overnight, so good luck.


    • #3
      Would a Bioruptor or hydroshear work? Sorry in advance if it is a naive suggestion.
      Last edited by adaptivegenome; 11-09-2011, 05:43 PM. Reason: typo


      • #4
        Originally posted by delbar View Post
        Hello- I work for a lab at UNC-Chapel Hill and we are hoping to find a way to outsource shearing of at least 1000 DNA samples. We need to keep these in 96 well plate format, and would be doing this in batches of 3-4 plates at a time, therefore we are searching for a company or academic core facility with an instrument capable of high-throughput shearing. We have already contacted Covaris, but the cost was way outside of our budget.
        Thank you for any suggestions!
        We could do this for you at MGRC, but it would mean you shipping samples all the way to Malaysia and back, and that will bump up your costs. If you are desperate get in touch: [email protected] but there surely must be someone closer to you with a Covaris set up to do this.
        Jo Mason

        [email protected]


        • #5
          Were you successfull in outsourcing your DNA shearing?


          • #6
            Hi Delbar,

            What size range fragments are you interested in getting?
            Last edited by Hamid; 11-16-2011, 10:14 PM.


            • #7
              Hi all- I have not had success in outsourcing the DNA shearing- we got quotes from Covaris and Expression Analysis (here in NC), but the $ was out of reach for what we can do right now.

              We need to have the samples sheared to 150-200 bp and will be using the Agilent SureSelect Library Prep and Capture System.


              • #8
                what is you budget per sample? we could do it


                • #9
                  DNA shearing service

                  Profile Genomics is part of the Peralta Foundation and is launching a new Genomics facility in Alameda California. One of our premier services is DNA shearing on the Covaris LE220R; we were the first to receive this instrumentation model. Currently we are starting to cut DNA for others. We can do short cuts in 96 well plates, as well as long cuts of 1.5kb – 5kb.

                  We look forward to talking with anyone who is interested in this service.


                  • #10
                    Hi! Does anyone know is there Covaris shearing service provider somewhere in Europe also?
                    Would be very-very thankful for the information.


                    • #11
                      Covaris in Europe

                      Hi - Covaris' European dealer is KBioscience, which was recently acquired by LGC. Here is their website with their contact info at the bottom of the page...

                      ...and here is their Covaris page:

                      In the US you can obtain shearing services directly from Covaris, they are higher priced than other providers but obviously intensely knowledgeable about capabilities and protocols; we're not familiar with the entire situation in Europe but you might check into KBioscience to see what services and advice they can offer you in your area.


                      • #12
                        Thank you!
                        I have already contacted KBiosciences in UK (sorry for not mentioning this before) but this was like two weeks ago and no answer so far. So I was wondering whether there was some other place providing this service.


                        • #13
                          We're in the process of purchasing a Covaris and will almost certainly take in external samples once it's set up (some time in the next month or so) as part of our sequencing service. Contact me directly ([email protected]) if you might be interested.


                          • #14
                            Request for Quote?

                            Hi Profile Genomics,

                            I was wondering how much you would charge for the shearing of about 1000 samples and what the turnaround time would be. A rough estimate would be fine...



                            Originally posted by Profile Genomics View Post
                            Profile Genomics is part of the Peralta Foundation and is launching a new Genomics facility in Alameda California. One of our premier services is DNA shearing on the Covaris LE220R; we were the first to receive this instrumentation model. Currently we are starting to cut DNA for others. We can do short cuts in 96 well plates, as well as long cuts of 1.5kb – 5kb.

                            We look forward to talking with anyone who is interested in this service.


                            • #15
                              Hi Minyong,

                              We tried sending you an email yesterday through SEQanswers with some rough estimate info and contact details -- if you don't use your main email for here please check the one you use. Looking forward to talking with you about your project.

                              Profile Genomics


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