Full job post
As part of a joint initiative with the University of Minnesota Genomics Center (UMGC), the Research Informatics Support Systems (RISS) program within the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) is hiring a full time bioinformatics analyst to support cutting-edge developmental genomics projects at the University of Minnesota. The successful candidate will be responsible for serving as the primary analyst for the UMGC's emerging technology development by developing, prototyping and executing analytic workflows. Emerging technologies include 16S metagonomic sequence analysis and development of analysis workflows for Fluidigm's single cell technologies.
As part of a joint initiative with the University of Minnesota Genomics Center (UMGC), the Research Informatics Support Systems (RISS) program within the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) is hiring a full time bioinformatics analyst to support cutting-edge developmental genomics projects at the University of Minnesota. The successful candidate will be responsible for serving as the primary analyst for the UMGC's emerging technology development by developing, prototyping and executing analytic workflows. Emerging technologies include 16S metagonomic sequence analysis and development of analysis workflows for Fluidigm's single cell technologies.