Originally posted by Brian Bushnell
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This is a bit off-topic, but your comment was the only thing I could find online about sequencing libraries with larger-than-recommended library fragment sizes on the NovaSeq. I prepared a TruSeq Nano library with unusually large fragment sizes (BioAnalyzer trace is attached), which I've done before and sequenced without issue on the MiSeq (seems to be a quirk of my setup as I follow Illumina protocol as closely as I can). This time I'd like to sequence on the NovaSeq, and I noticed this in the Illumina bulletin on migrating libraries between different sequencing platforms:
"Some applications with 550 bp or greater insert sizes are compatible with the NovaSeq platform, but additional optimization steps may be required."
Are you familiar with the optimization steps that they refer to? I am also in contact with Illumina technical support here in the UK regarding this and they are warning me that I should re-prep the library because I will get overclustering and rubbish results, but I'd rather not of course, especially considering that I successfully sequenced a library with nearly identical out-of-spec fragment size on the MiSeq. I imagine you might know a thing or two about this?
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