We are going to perform a ChIP-seq assay and need to fragment our chromatin to obtain fragments of between 200 and 1000 base pairs. In each of our samples we start from 5-10^6 cells. We will use the BRANSON SONIFIER 250 sonicator for this purpose. Can anyone specify what conditions shall we use for this sonicator in order to obtain 200-1000 bp fragments? (% of output control, cycles, seconds, etc.)
We are going to perform a ChIP-seq assay and need to fragment our chromatin to obtain fragments of between 200 and 1000 base pairs. In each of our samples we start from 5-10^6 cells. We will use the BRANSON SONIFIER 250 sonicator for this purpose. Can anyone specify what conditions shall we use for this sonicator in order to obtain 200-1000 bp fragments? (% of output control, cycles, seconds, etc.)