Hello dear colleagues,
I feel like I should know the answer to what I am about to ask but I could not find a paper with a clear cut answer to what protocol I should apply. I am getting down to it:
I have illumina pair-end reads from RNA-Seq of a fish that is very distant from anything sequenced. I have about 100 mil reads in both directions.
I used Velvet Optimiser to perform denovo assemblies on has lengths 67 77 83 and 93 in order to look at the results and chose the best assembly. However, this is what I encountered (velvet):
Hash 67 has about 250k contigs
Hash 77 has about 125k contigs
Hash 83 has about 78k contigs
Hash 95 has about 15k contigs
So not that big of a suprise, lower hashes more contigs, higher hashes are stricter because of their length, so less contigs.
I polished these using Oasis, and the numbers did not change a lot.
250k 149k 93k 16k
n50s: 867 897 889 827
I tried the -merge function suggested in the Oasis manual, and got 324k contigs and a bit higher n50 about 1000.
Here comes the question, now what? which one is the best assembly? they can't all be as good. Which one should I annotate?
Any help? I am very stuck.
I feel like I should know the answer to what I am about to ask but I could not find a paper with a clear cut answer to what protocol I should apply. I am getting down to it:
I have illumina pair-end reads from RNA-Seq of a fish that is very distant from anything sequenced. I have about 100 mil reads in both directions.
I used Velvet Optimiser to perform denovo assemblies on has lengths 67 77 83 and 93 in order to look at the results and chose the best assembly. However, this is what I encountered (velvet):
Hash 67 has about 250k contigs
Hash 77 has about 125k contigs
Hash 83 has about 78k contigs
Hash 95 has about 15k contigs
So not that big of a suprise, lower hashes more contigs, higher hashes are stricter because of their length, so less contigs.
I polished these using Oasis, and the numbers did not change a lot.
250k 149k 93k 16k
n50s: 867 897 889 827
I tried the -merge function suggested in the Oasis manual, and got 324k contigs and a bit higher n50 about 1000.
Here comes the question, now what? which one is the best assembly? they can't all be as good. Which one should I annotate?
Any help? I am very stuck.