I'm trying to use a Cufflinks GTF that includes novel isoforms as an input for DEXSeq.
My RNA-Sseq libraries were stranded and my cufflinks command included fr-secondstrand, but now when i run the phyton script i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dexseq_prepare_annotation.py", line 55, in <module>
*** exons[f.iv] += ( f.attr['gene_id'], f.attr['transcript_id'] )
*File "_HTSeq.pyx", line 514, in HTSeq._HTSeq.GenomicArray.__getitem__ (src/_HTSeq.c:10576)
KeyError: 'Non-stranded index used for stranded GenomicArray.'
Here’s the line 514 of my gtf file:
1 Cufflinks exon 6113070 6113253 988 - . gene_id "CUFF.74"; transcript_id "ENSRNOT00000061956"; exon_number "2"; FPKM "0.0020481810"; frac "0.496199"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "0.011202"; cov "0.023020";
I’m lost and I don’t know what to do. Anybody knows what the problem is and how can it be solved? I would appreciate any help i could get from the DEXSeq experts. Thank you
My RNA-Sseq libraries were stranded and my cufflinks command included fr-secondstrand, but now when i run the phyton script i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dexseq_prepare_annotation.py", line 55, in <module>
*** exons[f.iv] += ( f.attr['gene_id'], f.attr['transcript_id'] )
*File "_HTSeq.pyx", line 514, in HTSeq._HTSeq.GenomicArray.__getitem__ (src/_HTSeq.c:10576)
KeyError: 'Non-stranded index used for stranded GenomicArray.'
Here’s the line 514 of my gtf file:
1 Cufflinks exon 6113070 6113253 988 - . gene_id "CUFF.74"; transcript_id "ENSRNOT00000061956"; exon_number "2"; FPKM "0.0020481810"; frac "0.496199"; conf_lo "0.000000"; conf_hi "0.011202"; cov "0.023020";
I’m lost and I don’t know what to do. Anybody knows what the problem is and how can it be solved? I would appreciate any help i could get from the DEXSeq experts. Thank you