Dear all,
I am trying to apply the script to merged VCF files: one file per human chromosome, all files contains genotypes for the same set of samples.
A typical command I run is: --non-rs --verbose /scratch/genomes/grch37/84/fasta/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa vcf/chr14_PASS_vep.vcf.gz HiSat2/extract/chr14_PASS_vep
Is there some aspect of my VCF files that I should check for compatibility with the script?
Many thanks in advance.
I am trying to apply the script to merged VCF files: one file per human chromosome, all files contains genotypes for the same set of samples.
A typical command I run is: --non-rs --verbose /scratch/genomes/grch37/84/fasta/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa vcf/chr14_PASS_vep.vcf.gz HiSat2/extract/chr14_PASS_vep
- The script typically take between 20min and 2h20min depending on the chromosome length.
- However, the output SNP and haplotype files both contain a single line (i.e. variant). I compared, and each time it is the first variant in the VCF file processed.
- I do not see any error or output message , despite the --verbose option.
- Considering the run time, it seems that the script is processing all variants, just not outputting anything after the first variant
Is there some aspect of my VCF files that I should check for compatibility with the script?
Many thanks in advance.