I'm trying to run stringtie with a reference genome, and I'm getting the following error:
WARNING: no reference transcripts were found for the genomic sequences where reads were mapped!
Please make sure the -G annotation file uses the same naming convention for the genome sequences.
Similar posts indicate that there is some inconsistency between the reference genome fasta file that was used in the hisat2 step and the gff3 or gtf file that is used for stringtie. I can't see any inconsistency in my case. I'm stumped. I really, really hope someone can help!
my stringtie command:
The reference genome fasta headers look like this:
The first few lines of the gff look like this:
I'm trying to run stringtie with a reference genome, and I'm getting the following error:
WARNING: no reference transcripts were found for the genomic sequences where reads were mapped!
Please make sure the -G annotation file uses the same naming convention for the genome sequences.
Similar posts indicate that there is some inconsistency between the reference genome fasta file that was used in the hisat2 step and the gff3 or gtf file that is used for stringtie. I can't see any inconsistency in my case. I'm stumped. I really, really hope someone can help!
my stringtie command:
stringtie 585_10CR_1.bam -p 8 -B -G /nfs0/ROOTS/Vining_Lab/GENOMES/Mlong585/Mlong_CMEN585_v3.01/Mlong585_v3.01.gff -o 585_10CR_1.gtf
>scaffold_1_length_46699537 >scaffold_2_length_45526029 >scaffold_3_length_45460755 >scaffold_4_length_44284954 >scaffold_5_length_43231337
The first few lines of the gff look like this:
##gff-version 3 scaffold1_length_46699537 . contig 1 46699537 . . . ID=scaffold1_length_46699537;Name=scaffold1_length_46699537 scaffold1_length_46699537 maker gene 1701 4304 . - . ID=Mlong585_00001;Name=Mlong585_00001;Alias=augustus-scaffold1_length_46699537-processed-gene-0.17; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker mRNA 1701 4304 . - . ID=Mlong585_00001-RA;Parent=Mlong585_00001;Name=Mlong585_00001-RA;Alias=augustus-scaffold1_length_46699537-processed-gene-0.17-mRNA-1;_AED=1.00 scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 1701 3837 . - . ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:exon:78;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 1701 3837 . - 1 ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 4012 4097 . - . ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:exon:79;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 4012 4097 . - 0 ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 4173 4304 . - 0 ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 4173 4304 . - . ID=Mlong585_00001-RA:exon:80;Parent=Mlong585_00001-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker gene 4819 8990 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002;Name=Mlong585_00002;Alias=snap-scaffold1_length_46699537-processed-gene-0.25; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker mRNA 4819 8990 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA;Parent=Mlong585_00002;Name=Mlong585_00002-RA;Alias=snap-scaffold1_length_46699537-processed-gene-0.25-mRNA-1;_AED=1.00;_QI scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 4819 6558 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:48;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 4819 6558 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 7278 7432 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 7278 7432 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:49;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 7462 7531 . + 1 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 7462 7531 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:50;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 7567 7629 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 7567 7629 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:51;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 7639 7974 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 7639 7974 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:52;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 8000 8056 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 8000 8056 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:53;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 8800 8856 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 8800 8856 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:54;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker CDS 8958 8990 . + 0 ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:cds;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA; scaffold1_length_46699537 maker exon 8958 8990 . + . ID=Mlong585_00002-RA:exon:55;Parent=Mlong585_00002-RA