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  • Question on BAM file

    I used bowtie to generate *.sam file, then transform the *.sam file to *.bam and *.bam.bai (by samtools). Unfortunately, when I load *.bam file to IGB, nothing displays. The commands I used are :

    bowtie -S e_coli reads/e_coli_10000snp.fq ec_snp.sam;
    samtools view -bS -o ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sam;
    samtools sort ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sorted;
    samtools index ec_snp.sorted.sam;

    IGB threw out an error on picard when loading the *bam file first time.

    Also, I use tophat to generate *bam file, and got the same unavailable *bam file.

    Does any one meet this problem before? Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by dongfy88; 04-05-2011, 10:44 AM.

  • #2
    By IGB I assume you mean IGV (Integrated Genome Browser).

    What is the error message that you get?


    • #3
      Originally posted by gaffa View Post
      By IGB I assume you mean IGV (Integrated Genome Browser).

      What is the error message that you get?
      Thank gaffa for your reply.
      The error message is :
      A SAMFormatException has been thrown by the Picard tools.
      Please validate your BAM files and contact the Picard project at console for the details of the exception.


      • #4
        Bam Error in IGB

        Originally posted by dongfy88 View Post
        Thank gaffa for your reply.
        The error message is :
        A SAMFormatException has been thrown by the Picard tools.
        Please validate your BAM files and contact the Picard project at console for the details of the exception.
        Yeah I also got the same error - processed my bowtie reads the same way. Any hints yet?


        • #5
          A possible answer to your problems

          Originally posted by dongfy88 View Post
          bowtie -S e_coli reads/e_coli_10000snp.fq ec_snp.sam;
          samtools view -bS -o ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sam;
          samtools sort ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sorted;
          samtools index ec_snp.sorted.sam;
          If these are indeed the exact commands you used I noticed two errors:
          1) In the second command you need to say -bhS to output the header to BAM
          2) In the fourth command you should be indexing the BAM file not the SAM file


          • #6
            Bam header formatting from bowtie incompatible with IGB

            I do index the bam files.
            I think you're right about the header being wrong, but using -bhS in this case does not solve the issue, because the @SQ lines are absent.

            I tried adding the header as in:

            samtools faidx ref.fa
            samtools view -bt ref.fa.fai aln.sam > aln.bam

            But this does not resolve the issue.
            Although I have not tried it, the following suggestion of using picard may help:


            • #7
              Originally posted by 12jrowley2 View Post
              I do index the bam files.
              I think you're right about the header being wrong, but using -bhS in this case does not solve the issue, because the @SQ lines are absent.

              I tried adding the header as in:

              samtools faidx ref.fa
              samtools view -bt ref.fa.fai aln.sam > aln.bam

              But this does not resolve the issue.
              Although I have not tried it, the following suggestion of using picard may help:
              I don't know how to solve your problem. Maybe you can have another try with the command line like this:
              samtools faidx reference.fa
              samtools import reference.fa.fai aligned_reads.sam aligned_reads.bam
              samtools sort aligned_reads.bam aligned_reads_sorted
              samtools index aligned_reads_sorted.bam
              For more details,you can read the document below:
              Discussion of next-gen sequencing related bioinformatics: resources, algorithms, open source efforts, etc

              Hope it can help.



              • #8
                Originally posted by d17 View Post
                If these are indeed the exact commands you used I noticed two errors:
                1) In the second command you need to say -bhS to output the header to BAM
                2) In the fourth command you should be indexing the BAM file not the SAM file
                the fourth command is BAM not SAM, I spelt it wrong here.
                Actually, I have use picard to generate BAM file and index BAM file and passed the validation test, but when I loaded the BAM file, IGB still display nothing. And, this time, IGB did not throw out error.


                • #9
                  IGB has some major issues. I have a bam file that was generated by tophat. First time I uploaded it into IGB, it displayed fine. However, when I tried loading a chromosome reference and a gtf against which to compare the alignments, the .bam file no longer displayed. Quite honestly, I don't like IGB at all, it is clunky, not intuitive and almost impossible to use. Plus, it has strange behaviors that make no sense at all. For example when I tried to change the reference sequence, it made the new "reference" a track instead. The only way I could figure out how to change the reference, while maintaining the existing tracks was to quit the session and start over. Very frustrating.


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