I used bowtie to generate *.sam file, then transform the *.sam file to *.bam and *.bam.bai (by samtools). Unfortunately, when I load *.bam file to IGB, nothing displays. The commands I used are :
bowtie -S e_coli reads/e_coli_10000snp.fq ec_snp.sam;
samtools view -bS -o ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sam;
samtools sort ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sorted;
samtools index ec_snp.sorted.sam;
IGB threw out an error on picard when loading the *bam file first time.
Also, I use tophat to generate *bam file, and got the same unavailable *bam file.
Does any one meet this problem before? Thank you in advance.
bowtie -S e_coli reads/e_coli_10000snp.fq ec_snp.sam;
samtools view -bS -o ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sam;
samtools sort ec_snp.bam ec_snp.sorted;
samtools index ec_snp.sorted.sam;
IGB threw out an error on picard when loading the *bam file first time.
Also, I use tophat to generate *bam file, and got the same unavailable *bam file.
Does any one meet this problem before? Thank you in advance.