Hey guys,
We're currently looking for alternative ctDNA extraction kits. We currently use QIAGENs QIAamp circulating nucleic acid kit for our plasma extractions (10ml plasma). It does currently seem like the more plasma we use as a source, the less ng ctDNA/ml plasma we're getting, and we're concerned with the filters getting clogged. Right now we're around 60ng / ml plasma when plasma volume <= 5ml, and about 10ng / ml plasma when more than 5ml plasma was used.
Anyway I was wondering what kind of alternatives are out there that are viable methods, and what kind of yields you are seeing in the lab.
DNA size is about 100-300bp via Tapestation. Yields analyzed with Qubit.
We're currently looking for alternative ctDNA extraction kits. We currently use QIAGENs QIAamp circulating nucleic acid kit for our plasma extractions (10ml plasma). It does currently seem like the more plasma we use as a source, the less ng ctDNA/ml plasma we're getting, and we're concerned with the filters getting clogged. Right now we're around 60ng / ml plasma when plasma volume <= 5ml, and about 10ng / ml plasma when more than 5ml plasma was used.
Anyway I was wondering what kind of alternatives are out there that are viable methods, and what kind of yields you are seeing in the lab.
DNA size is about 100-300bp via Tapestation. Yields analyzed with Qubit.