I am assembling a bacterial genome de novo. I have about 40million Illumina reads, 75bp. These were paired end but for reasons I wont go into the insert sizes were ~150bp so they overlap.
I have tried Velvet and MIRA to some extent. My best velvet run (I used velvetoptimiser) gave me 10500 contigs with an N50 of 1455, longest contig 14500, total bases in contigs 4.7M, 1500 contigs greater than 1kb which span ~3M of the genome. The expected genome size is ~4.7M.
Any recommendations on the next step to get to a build with fewer contigs of larger sizes?
I am assembling a bacterial genome de novo. I have about 40million Illumina reads, 75bp. These were paired end but for reasons I wont go into the insert sizes were ~150bp so they overlap.
I have tried Velvet and MIRA to some extent. My best velvet run (I used velvetoptimiser) gave me 10500 contigs with an N50 of 1455, longest contig 14500, total bases in contigs 4.7M, 1500 contigs greater than 1kb which span ~3M of the genome. The expected genome size is ~4.7M.
Any recommendations on the next step to get to a build with fewer contigs of larger sizes?