is there any software that removes duplicate single-reads? (Casava does it for paired-end reads only)
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According to the man page, SAMTools has a mode to do this
mdup samtools rmdup <> <out.bam>
Remove potential PCR duplicates: if multiple read pairs have identical external coordinates, only retain the pair with highest mapping quality. This command ONLY works with FR orientation and requires ISIZE is correctly set.
rmdupse samtools rmdupse <> <out.bam>
Remove potential duplicates for single-ended reads. This command will treat all reads as single-ended even if they are paired in fact.
There is no way to determine what is a PCR duplicate at that level. That is why it has to be done at mapping level. Even then, not all of them are true PCR duplicates (read lh3's statistical calculation of the expected number of PCR dups to find in a sample).-drd
It is possible to dedup before mapping. You may hash the first 14bp of each end and discard a pair if the 14+14bp coincides another pair. This method is not as good as deduping after mapping, but should be good enough. On the other hand, I do not think deduping is quite necessary for assembly.
Originally posted by lh3 View PostIt is possible to dedup before mapping. You may hash the first 14bp of each end and discard a pair if the 14+14bp coincides another pair. This method is not as good as deduping after mapping, but should be good enough. On the other hand, I do not think deduping is quite necessary for assembly.
Originally posted by corthay View PostThanks for the idea. I just would like to check if deduping is necessary for assembly as Panda Genome paper did it for long insert-sizes libraries.
I remove duplicates for SE and PE stuffs always. PE you should be removing between 5 and 15 percent, and for SE it'll be significantly larger and anywhere between 30 to even possibly 60 percent of your reads. It depends on the quality of the PCR step of course, which I personally know little about. Also, removing duplicates really only depends on what you're doing. If you're looking at ngs/mps/hts stuffs and you wish to accurately determine all the SNPs in your data, you probably don't have time to go through each variant that's called and so you want the most accurate call. You'd remove the duplicates. However, if you have a single gene of interest you can just as easily visually inspect whatever region or SNP, regardless of whether you removed the duplicates, and determine whether that 'call' is valid or not.
I have tried to use the rmdup command and have found something quite strange.
I have a sam file from my alignment. I view it as a bam, and then filter on quality with :
/data/common/programs/samtools/samtools view -h $ | awk '{if($5 >= 10 || $1 == "@SQ" || $1 == "@PG") print $0}' | /data/common/programs/samtools/samtools view -bS - > $
this gives me the file I want to work with. I need an output for quest, with duplicates removed, so what I tried was :
1. First get the fields in the format needed for quest then use the UNIX sort command to get the alignments with unique chromosome, position and strand.
2. First use rmdup to get a new bam file then get the fields in the format needed for quest
And the two results are different. I would have assumed that rmdup would remove the alignments with the same chromosome, strand and position, so that if I extract sequences with sort -u for these fields I would find the same number in the end.
Can anyone explain this?
We looked into it in the end, and it simply turns out that reads with an insertion/deletion in the alignment get their start position shifted in the output, but samtools rmdup takes it into account when removing the PCR duplicates.
I have definitely learned something today.
What is acceptable PCR duplicate percentage in a ChIP-seq dataset and in a RNA-seq dataset after mapping?
In my ChIP-seq dataset, after mapping I found 66% duplicate by using Picard. I think this is too high so wanna know what is acceptable duplicate level?
Originally posted by ttnguyen View PostWhat is acceptable PCR duplicate percentage in a ChIP-seq dataset and in a RNA-seq dataset after mapping?
In my ChIP-seq dataset, after mapping I found 66% duplicate by using Picard. I think this is too high so wanna know what is acceptable duplicate level?
It's not too high necessarily. It really depends on starting DNA quantity and how much you PCR it up. I've seen between 30% and even up to over 80% depending on the context of the protein we're after.
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