Dear forum,
I am experiencing problems during BWA paired-end mapping on my local setup. I have two fastq files for each sample. BWA aln step seems okay, but then at sampe the alignment may fail after outputting 1 Mb or even 1 Gb of SAM data. Could this happen to be a pre-processing issue? Fastq --> rename --> trimming ?
BWA is executed under Galaxy platform and I dont see the log file, so I may try to run it on command line. I see it fails at sampe via htop command.
I have also indexed the reference.
I am experiencing problems during BWA paired-end mapping on my local setup. I have two fastq files for each sample. BWA aln step seems okay, but then at sampe the alignment may fail after outputting 1 Mb or even 1 Gb of SAM data. Could this happen to be a pre-processing issue? Fastq --> rename --> trimming ?
BWA is executed under Galaxy platform and I dont see the log file, so I may try to run it on command line. I see it fails at sampe via htop command.
I have also indexed the reference.