I have just received our first Illumina mate pair libraries constructed using the Nextera protocol. Unlike prior Illumina libraries these now contain junction adapters either in duplicate or singularly as well as read specific external adapters.
Before re-inventing the wheel and writting a perl script to trim the adapters according to the guidelines documented in http://www.illumina.com/documents/pr...processing.pdf I would like to know if any pre-existing trimming tools have been already modified to correctly identify and remove the Nextera adapters from these mate pair libraries as its seems more sensible to use a tools that has already proven to do the job correctly.
The adapters are:
Any suggestions on which pre-existing (or new tools) are already available to trim adapters from Nextera based Illumin Mate Pair libraries would be appreciated.
Before re-inventing the wheel and writting a perl script to trim the adapters according to the guidelines documented in http://www.illumina.com/documents/pr...processing.pdf I would like to know if any pre-existing trimming tools have been already modified to correctly identify and remove the Nextera adapters from these mate pair libraries as its seems more sensible to use a tools that has already proven to do the job correctly.
The adapters are:
Any suggestions on which pre-existing (or new tools) are already available to trim adapters from Nextera based Illumin Mate Pair libraries would be appreciated.