Hi all,
I am trying to use the GATK PrintReads function following the BaseQualityRecalibrator using the following command:
The sample is a whole genome ~35X coverage. After starting, it tells me that it will take about 40 hours to complete, is that a correct estimate?
Then after about 12 hours in, the program crashes with an error that says: "There is no space left on the device, so writing failed". We do have plenty of free space available, so I am not really sure what the problem is. Would anyone have any advice for me on this
I am trying to use the GATK PrintReads function following the BaseQualityRecalibrator using the following command:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T PrintReads -R Homo_sapiens.fa -I WGS.sorted.IndelRealigned.fixedbam -BQSR recal_data.grp -o output.file.bam -nct 32
Then after about 12 hours in, the program crashes with an error that says: "There is no space left on the device, so writing failed". We do have plenty of free space available, so I am not really sure what the problem is. Would anyone have any advice for me on this