I have some difficulties in manipulating BWA and samtools.
I have sorted my alignment stored in the .bam file, and indexed it (so I have a .bma and a .bam.bai).
To visualize the sequences, I've tried to use commands like view or pileup, but I find it very difficult to manipulate.
Is there a way to view the alignment (I've tried IGV, but I haven't been able to see the reads, only the reference genome) user-friendlier?
Or maybe I used the wrong input when using samtools...
Thanks in advance, I'm very new to bioinformatic...
I have some difficulties in manipulating BWA and samtools.
I have sorted my alignment stored in the .bam file, and indexed it (so I have a .bma and a .bam.bai).
To visualize the sequences, I've tried to use commands like view or pileup, but I find it very difficult to manipulate.
Is there a way to view the alignment (I've tried IGV, but I haven't been able to see the reads, only the reference genome) user-friendlier?
Or maybe I used the wrong input when using samtools...
Thanks in advance, I'm very new to bioinformatic...