Hi there,
I've just updated Rsamtools to the latest version ("1.22.0") and I've noticed a weird memory leak that is crashing my system.
I have a folder of ~150 bam files that I'm trying to process, feeding in a data.frame called filter, that splits the genome into 7744 genomic coordinates
For some reason, Rsamtools is not releasing RAM after each iteration. I assumed it was my code, but I just ran the following simple test, and unless I'm being completely stupid, Rsamtools is doing something funny. To test this I looped one bam file with the following script and monitored RAM usage:
This generates the two attached graphs. You'll see that while the RAM used for the R object remains stable, the overall RAM usage of my computer increases, and only decreases when I end my R session. Is there any way of purging the RAM? Is this a bug in Rsamtools or have I done something wrong? The additive overall RAM usage also occurs when the scanBam(which()) is not used, but occurs at a much reduced rate.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've just updated Rsamtools to the latest version ("1.22.0") and I've noticed a weird memory leak that is crashing my system.
I have a folder of ~150 bam files that I'm trying to process, feeding in a data.frame called filter, that splits the genome into 7744 genomic coordinates
> head(filter) V1 V2 V3 V4 1 GL896898 0 30180132 GL896898:0-30180132 2 GL896898 30180133 52375790 GL896898:30180133-52375790 3 GL896899 0 24984016 GL896899:0-24984016 4 GL896899 24984017 40953715 GL896899:24984017-40953715 5 GL896905 0 18438707 GL896905:0-18438707 6 GL896905 18438708 27910907 GL896905:18438708-27910907
#R implementation of top library(NCmisc) #R value of all objects library(pryr) library(Rsamtools) filter=read.table('ferret_merged_sce_events.bed') fileName='AAAGCA.merge.bam' objectRam=vector() totalRam=vector() for(seq in 1:10) { message(paste("iteration", seq)) bam.dataframe <- scanBam(fileName, param=ScanBamParam(which=GRanges(seqnames = c(as.character(filter[,1])), ranges = IRanges(c(filter[,2]), c(filter[,3]) )), mapqFilter=10, what=c("rname","pos","strand"))) #measure RAM across all R objects objectRam <- c(objectRam, mem_used()[1]/10^6) #measure RAM across system totalRam <- c(totalRam, suppressWarnings(top(CPU=F)$RAM$used*10^6)) #remove scanBam object to reset for next iteration rm(bam.dataframe) #empty garbage collection gc() } plot(objectRam, type='l', xlab='iteration', ylab='Ram usage (Mb)') plot(totalRam, type='l', xlab='iteration', ylab='Ram usage (Mb)')
Any help would be greatly appreciated.