I am trying to use tophat to map HiSeq RNA-Seq reads ... Only problem is that I have a 72-hour walltime limit on our cluster computer and my jobs get killed before completion. I have 8 lanes of data and a few of the lanes with less reads are just barely finishing. These are paired 105mers.
Here is my command (rg-tag options omitted for clarity):
I submit each lane to its own node, and I can only give a single node 8 cores, so I use the --num-threads 8 option.
Any suggestions on how to get this data mapped faster? I thought about splitting my reads up into more FASTQs and mapping and merging at the end, I just worry that I will my lose junctions in rare transcripts.
I also wonder about the --microexon-search and --coverage-search options, do they slow this down considerably? They seem like a good thing to do, but are they hurting me?
I'm using x86_64 TopHat 1.1.2 and bowtie 0.12.7
Paried_READS STATUS 55,048,179 walltime_limit 52,548,024 finished 31,202,440 finished 38,586,234 finished 111,308,978 walltime_limit 62,615,443 walltime_limit 68,295,975 walltime_limit 54,115,329 walltime_limit
tophat -r 325 --output-dir MSC --num-threads 8 --coverage-search --microexon-search $ref LANE3_1.fastq LANE3_2.fastq
Any suggestions on how to get this data mapped faster? I thought about splitting my reads up into more FASTQs and mapping and merging at the end, I just worry that I will my lose junctions in rare transcripts.
I also wonder about the --microexon-search and --coverage-search options, do they slow this down considerably? They seem like a good thing to do, but are they hurting me?
I'm using x86_64 TopHat 1.1.2 and bowtie 0.12.7