Hi there,
I really like samtools for variant calling on Illumina.bam. However, now I have a GS Junior 454 data set. I aligned the reads via bwa bwasw and got a .sam alignment. I converted to .bam via samtools and inspected the alignment in igv. There clearly is a heterozygous SNV at (my positive control):
chr17 29556283:G>T
This position is covered by 859 reads, 52% showing the reference base G and 47% the alternating T.
I tried every modification/parameter tuning in samtools mpileup I can think of. BUT I CANNOT GET THIS VARIANT.
If anyone would like to try please write me a line and I will send the .bam file (MID1.bam 515K, MID1.bam.bai 1.3M)
I would really appreciate your help!
p.s: sent email to [email protected] with subject e.g. snp calling on 454.bam
I really like samtools for variant calling on Illumina.bam. However, now I have a GS Junior 454 data set. I aligned the reads via bwa bwasw and got a .sam alignment. I converted to .bam via samtools and inspected the alignment in igv. There clearly is a heterozygous SNV at (my positive control):
chr17 29556283:G>T
This position is covered by 859 reads, 52% showing the reference base G and 47% the alternating T.
I tried every modification/parameter tuning in samtools mpileup I can think of. BUT I CANNOT GET THIS VARIANT.
If anyone would like to try please write me a line and I will send the .bam file (MID1.bam 515K, MID1.bam.bai 1.3M)
I would really appreciate your help!
p.s: sent email to [email protected] with subject e.g. snp calling on 454.bam