this maybe a general question, from reading the article at, I kind of feel that the instance of bowtie that I am running right now is behaving differently than mentioned in the article in terms of the time print... I maybe doing something wrong or something
I have SRA paired-end data downloaded from I am mapping against the human reference genome that is provided by bowtie... the file is roughly about 19 million reads and is about 6 GB in size. The article says it should be possible to use a normal desktop computer to be able to carry out the task in a very short time, they mentioned a matter of minutes without the indexing step (building BWT). But later on they mentioned that a server computer can take upto 21 hours building the index. My laptop is Ubuntu 32 bits, 2 GB ram, 4 GB swap, dual core and I have been running a multi-threaded bowtie instance for the past 3 days, does this sound normal ? How long did it estimably for you my colleagues when you ran bowtie ??
Here is how my query looks like :
$ bowtie hg19 -q /PATH/SRR065070.fastq -S --offrate 20 -p 2
the 'hg19' argument passed to the bowtie is just a placeholder for the reference since I am invoking bowtie from within the directory where the was extracted.. It generates an alignment file but it is getting populated on a very slow rate that over the past 3 days and 10 hours only 205 MB were written to it
I have SRA paired-end data downloaded from I am mapping against the human reference genome that is provided by bowtie... the file is roughly about 19 million reads and is about 6 GB in size. The article says it should be possible to use a normal desktop computer to be able to carry out the task in a very short time, they mentioned a matter of minutes without the indexing step (building BWT). But later on they mentioned that a server computer can take upto 21 hours building the index. My laptop is Ubuntu 32 bits, 2 GB ram, 4 GB swap, dual core and I have been running a multi-threaded bowtie instance for the past 3 days, does this sound normal ? How long did it estimably for you my colleagues when you ran bowtie ??
Here is how my query looks like :
$ bowtie hg19 -q /PATH/SRR065070.fastq -S --offrate 20 -p 2
the 'hg19' argument passed to the bowtie is just a placeholder for the reference since I am invoking bowtie from within the directory where the was extracted.. It generates an alignment file but it is getting populated on a very slow rate that over the past 3 days and 10 hours only 205 MB were written to it