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  • Bfast Fatal Error during indexing


    I am trying to index a fastafile with the human genome (build GRCh37, only chromosomes + MT) using bfast. In color space.
    I am using version 0.6.4f. As a guildeline I use secion 8.1.2 from the manual.

    Converting the reads to fastq and making both the color space and letter space brg files work without any trouble.

    However when I want to make the indexes the program grinds to a halt.

    The command I use:

    bfast index -f human.fasta -m 1111111111111111111111 -w 14 -i 1 -A 1 -T /tmp/
    So human.fasta is my reference genome. and the files human.fasta.cs.brg and human.fasta.nt.brg have been generated.

    The output:

    Checking input parameters supplied by the user ...
    Validating fastaFileName human.fasta.
    Validating tmpDir path /tmp/.
    Input arguments look good!
    Printing Program Parameters:
    programMode:                            [ExecuteProgram]
    fastaFileName:                          human.fasta
    space:                                  [Color Space]
    mask:                                   1111111111111111111111
    depth:                                  0
    hashWidth:                              14
    indexNumber:                            1
    repeatMasker:                           [Not Using]
    startContig:                            0
    startPos:                               0
    endContig:                              2147483647
    endPos:                                 2147483647
    exonsFileName:                          [Not Using]
    numThreads:                             4
    tmpDir:                                 /tmp/
    timing:                                 [Not Using]
    Reading in reference genome from human.fasta.cs.brg.
    In total read 25 contigs for a total of 3095693983 bases
    Creating the index...
    Warning: startContig was less than zero.
    Defaulting to contig=1 and position=1.
    Warning: endContig was greater than the number of contigs in the reference genome.
    Defaulting to reference genome's end contig=25 and position=16571.
    Currently on [contig,pos]:
    Sorting by thread...                                                                                                                                        
    100.000 percent complete************************************************************
    In function "RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8": Fatal Error[ReadFileError]. Message: Could not read in tmp lower.
    The file stream error was:: Bad file descriptor
     ***** Exiting due to errors *****
    So it works, but as soon when the index should be written to disk it fails. THis happens after around 24 hours.

    I have tried to check if something is wrong with the harddisk, an no fsck dont gives any problems. And I can create a large file with other programs.

    The output file human.fasta.cs.1.1.bif is generated, however has zero length.

  • #2
    In "" in the source directory, try changing the following line
    extended_CFLAGS="";# "-m64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64";
    extended_CFLAGS="-m64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64";
    You then probably need to re-run "bfast fasta2brg".


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply.
      I changed the configuration file and recompiled the source.

      Unoftunately it did not help. still getting the following error:

      Sorting...                                                                                                                                              100.000 percent complete************************************************************
      In function "RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8": Fatal Error[ReadFileError]. Message: Could not read in tmp lower.
      The file stream error was:: Bad file descriptor
       ***** Exiting due to errors *****


      • #4
        Originally posted by fpruzius View Post
        Thanks for the reply.
        I changed the configuration file and recompiled the source.

        Unoftunately it did not help. still getting the following error:

        Sorting...                                                                                                                                              100.000 percent complete************************************************************
        In function "RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8": Fatal Error[ReadFileError]. Message: Could not read in tmp lower.
        The file stream error was:: Bad file descriptor
         ***** Exiting due to errors *****
        I can't replicate your error, so unfortunately I cannot debug. Could you try it on a different computer and see if you can replicate?


        • #6
          I am getting the exact same error

          In function "RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8": Fatal Error[ReadFileError]. Message: Could not read in tmp lower.
          The file stream error was:: Bad file descriptor
          ***** Exiting due to errors *****

          [1]+ Exit 1 bfast index -m 111111111111111111111111 -w 14 -n 32 -i 1 -f hg19.fa

          Were you guys ever able to find out what the deal was with this one? I also have a 64 bit system with 2Tb disk space.


          • #7
            I would LOVE to get a test case so that I can reproduce. Until then, I have to keep guessing.

            Could you try to apply this change?
            diff --git a/bfast/RGIndex.c b/bfast/RGIndex.c
            index 3e8f57a..2953596 100644
            --- a/bfast/RGIndex.c
            +++ b/bfast/RGIndex.c
            @@ -1356,8 +1356,15 @@ void RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8(RGIndex *index,
                    /* Move to beginning of the files */
            +        /*
                    fseek(tmpLowerFP, 0 , SEEK_SET);
                    fseek(tmpUpperFP, 0 , SEEK_SET);
            +        */
            +        fclose(tmpLowerFP);
            +        tmpLowerFP = fopen(tmpLowerFileName, "wb+");
            +        assert(NULL != tmpLowerFP);
            +        tmpUpperFP = fopen(tmpUpperFileName, "wb+");
            +        assert(NULL != tmpUpperFP);


            • #8
              +1, same error for me as well.

              Tested both extended_CFLAGS="-m64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" and the patch without any success .

              What could I do to help you find a solution Nils?


              • #9
                Do you have a test case? Give me a FASTA and detail your environment (OS, machine, bfast version).



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