I am trying to index a fastafile with the human genome (build GRCh37, only chromosomes + MT) using bfast. In color space.
I am using version 0.6.4f. As a guildeline I use secion 8.1.2 from the manual.
Converting the reads to fastq and making both the color space and letter space brg files work without any trouble.
However when I want to make the indexes the program grinds to a halt.
The command I use:
So human.fasta is my reference genome. and the files human.fasta.cs.brg and human.fasta.nt.brg have been generated.
The output:
So it works, but as soon when the index should be written to disk it fails. THis happens after around 24 hours.
I have tried to check if something is wrong with the harddisk, an no fsck dont gives any problems. And I can create a large file with other programs.
The output file human.fasta.cs.1.1.bif is generated, however has zero length.
I am trying to index a fastafile with the human genome (build GRCh37, only chromosomes + MT) using bfast. In color space.
I am using version 0.6.4f. As a guildeline I use secion 8.1.2 from the manual.
Converting the reads to fastq and making both the color space and letter space brg files work without any trouble.
However when I want to make the indexes the program grinds to a halt.
The command I use:
bfast index -f human.fasta -m 1111111111111111111111 -w 14 -i 1 -A 1 -T /tmp/
The output:
************************************************************ Checking input parameters supplied by the user ... Validating fastaFileName human.fasta. Validating tmpDir path /tmp/. Input arguments look good! ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Printing Program Parameters: programMode: [ExecuteProgram] fastaFileName: human.fasta space: [Color Space] mask: 1111111111111111111111 depth: 0 hashWidth: 14 indexNumber: 1 repeatMasker: [Not Using] startContig: 0 startPos: 0 endContig: 2147483647 endPos: 2147483647 exonsFileName: [Not Using] numThreads: 4 tmpDir: /tmp/ timing: [Not Using] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Reading in reference genome from human.fasta.cs.brg. In total read 25 contigs for a total of 3095693983 bases ************************************************************ Creating the index... ************************************************************ Warning: startContig was less than zero. Defaulting to contig=1 and position=1. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Warning: endContig was greater than the number of contigs in the reference genome. Defaulting to reference genome's end contig=25 and position=16571. ************************************************************ Currently on [contig,pos]: [------25,------16571] Sorting by thread... 100.000 percent complete************************************************************ In function "RGIndexMergeHelperFromDiskContig_8": Fatal Error[ReadFileError]. Message: Could not read in tmp lower. The file stream error was:: Bad file descriptor ***** Exiting due to errors ***** ************************************************************
I have tried to check if something is wrong with the harddisk, an no fsck dont gives any problems. And I can create a large file with other programs.
The output file human.fasta.cs.1.1.bif is generated, however has zero length.