Anybody else seeing the maintenance wash software hanging? The wash appears to happen, but then hangs.
aaLog.txt complains:
script has no apyraseCalibrationControl section
while runlog.parse has the following lament:
stateChangeWarning = "2009/08/14 15:26:04","ptpHeater","outSpec","2009/08/14 15:26:04";
stateChangeWarning = "2009/08/14 15:26:04","enzymeChiller","outSpec","2009/08/14 15:26:04";
Other than that I don't see any major difference between previous maintenance washes that ran to completion and the recent ones that hang.
aaLog.txt complains:
script has no apyraseCalibrationControl section
while runlog.parse has the following lament:
stateChangeWarning = "2009/08/14 15:26:04","ptpHeater","outSpec","2009/08/14 15:26:04";
stateChangeWarning = "2009/08/14 15:26:04","enzymeChiller","outSpec","2009/08/14 15:26:04";
Other than that I don't see any major difference between previous maintenance washes that ran to completion and the recent ones that hang.