I am trying to sequence the exome and the capture kit is 100MB
The sequencing core promised 120 million reads per lane and we are using paired end 100bp reads and our fragment size is 250 basepairs.
My calculation was I will get 120 million reads * 200= 240 million bases read
so coverage= 240 million bases/100MB= 240x coverage (average)
But some people say I will get a coverage of only 120x. What could be the reason? Or is the coverage actually 240x?
I am trying to sequence the exome and the capture kit is 100MB
The sequencing core promised 120 million reads per lane and we are using paired end 100bp reads and our fragment size is 250 basepairs.
My calculation was I will get 120 million reads * 200= 240 million bases read
so coverage= 240 million bases/100MB= 240x coverage (average)
But some people say I will get a coverage of only 120x. What could be the reason? Or is the coverage actually 240x?