Hello, unfortunately, our Whole Genome sequencing results given with 25B 2x151 cycle on Novaseq X Plus have started to show too many low coverage examples lately. We are loading 64 samples to 25B flowcell. And the expected coverage is 30x
Has anyone experienced similar problems? Where exactly could the problem be? When we perform sequencing with 10B 2x151 cycles (24 samples, 30x coverage per sample), we do not experience as many problems as with 25B. We have almost never encountered these problems with the 2x151 S4 Flowcell on Novaseq6000 devices.
Has anyone experienced similar problems? Where exactly could the problem be? When we perform sequencing with 10B 2x151 cycles (24 samples, 30x coverage per sample), we do not experience as many problems as with 25B. We have almost never encountered these problems with the 2x151 S4 Flowcell on Novaseq6000 devices.