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  • #91
    I think it's pretty clear that ONT is moving towards commercialization, but it's a question of 'when'. My guess is that their technology won't be broadly available until mid 2013 (but that's just a guess).


    • #92
      That's interesting, Shawn.
      How have you estimated that date? Based on something specific?



      • #93
        Originally posted by cibertech View Post
        That's interesting, Shawn.
        How have you estimated that date? Based on something specific?

        No, no - certainly nothing specific. It's just that we're in the middle of August and I still haven't really heard any rumors of who the early access customers are (although there are a few obvious guesses). Full commercialization will simply take a while and I haven't seen enough signs of ramping up (hiring activity, sightings in the field, etc) to think it will happen by the end of the year. I would be super happy to be wrong, with GridIONs and MinIONs for everyone this Christmas (I just wouldn't bet on it).



        • #94
          Originally posted by twitter
          Announcing Oxford Nanopore as the poster prize sponsor for #BTG2012! @nanopore
          I wonder if the prize is a MinION?


          • #95
            Originally posted by GW_OK View Post
            I wonder if the prize is a MinION?
            They really really really ought to re brand the damn thing. Minion? Really? But I agree that the silence since AGBT has been interesting, as has been the lack of significant hiring activity. Perhaps their instrument is so reliable they need no field service? Or maybe their beta sites are all near headquarter? Both are unlikely.


            • #96
              Well the Minion is disposable, so service would not be an issue. The "instrument" per se would be just whatever computer you plugged it into for the run. At least that is what I understand.

              I agree the "ION" suffix is just going to be detrimental to any attempt to distinguish themselves from the other sequencers already inhabiting that name space.

              That said, ONT seems to have captured a much larger percentage of the "general public" mind-share than Ion Torrent. Reminds me of the situation circa 3 years ago when it was more likely that a member of the public would have heard of "Pacific Biosciences" than "Illumina". Despite the fact the former was pure vaporware at the point whereas Illumina actually had a sequencer to sell. (Or had Solexa been purchased by Illumina at that point?)



              • #97
                Originally posted by BBoy View Post
                They really really really ought to re brand the damn thing. Minion? Really? But I agree that the silence since AGBT has been interesting, as has been the lack of significant hiring activity. Perhaps their instrument is so reliable they need no field service? Or maybe their beta sites are all near headquarter? Both are unlikely.
                I have been watching their website and for the last few months they have had a lot of job vacancies listed. Some of the more promising are 'field application scientists', 'electronics production engineer' and 'production/manufacturing engineer'. If they need someone to oversee production/manufacturing then surely they are getting close to release(?).

                That aside though, the total lack of any news suggests things aren't on track.


                • #98
                  It's a fairly common HR concept to post as many job position as possible. I know company who are constantly sending out employees for a walk of shame with the brown box, the 15 minute clean up and the security guard while posting request on websites for the exact same job... same thing for hiring freezes, a very common practice amongst NGS companies but they would never want you to know.


                  • #99
                    I see they've got a booth at ASHG, hopefully some of you who are attending will give them some stick about the commercial release of minion and the lack of released data!


                    • Originally posted by twitter
                      Oxford Nanopore ‏@nanopore

                      Visit us at ASHG 2012, where we’ll have the latest GridION and MinION systems on display - Booth 418/420!
                      Say whaaat?
                      What's the over-under that they're hollow boxes?


                      • I want to see tons of glowing free pens and massive free booze evening to even consider this...


                        • Two interesting nuggets..

                          Oxford Nanopore to Unveil New DNA Sequencers This Week

                          Oxford Nanopore and Illumina in Arbitration Regarding Sequencing Partnership
                          Discover the latest news in bioinformatics, biomedical research, and drug discovery. Bio-IT World provides topical news coverage and analysis of cutting-edge biotechnologies to deliver individualized medicine.


                          • Interesting indeed.

                            From the BusinessWeek article:

                            The MinION will cost less than $1,000, Sanghera said. 
                            Its components can be removed, recycled and fitted with new ones at a reduced price
                            Does that mean all labs would have to buy a certain number of MinION and then periodically send them in for "recycling"?
                            At $1000 a MinION that could add up to some significant dollars.

                            Originally posted by protist View Post


                            • I was thinking it was more like a sub-full price bit that you could swap into the USB stick part. Buy the whole thing for $1k, then pay less than $1k for the little replaceable bit. It makes sense, really, in that you don't have to toss all the computer hardware bits when the minion is used up.

                              Alternatively, they could give you a trade-in rebate when you swap out old for new, maybe.

                              Either way, exciting news.


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