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  • List of next-next gen...

    Hi All,
    I found this list of other technologies and thought is would be good to share.
    Feel free to add and take a look at the website the data came from...

    454 - Branford, CT  - genome analysis by high throughput sequencing (sequence-by-synthesis)
    Affymetrix - Santa Clara, CA  - photolithographic DNA microarrays
    Applied Biosystems Group (ABI) - Foster City, CA  - molecular biology instrumentation and reagents
    AQI Sciences - Bisbee, AZ  - single-molecule sequencing technology based on FRET
    Base4innovation - Coventry, UK - next-gen sequencing using single molecule, ultra long read nanosensors
    BioNanomatrix - Philadelphia, PA  - nanotechnology imaging
    Callida Genomics - Sunnyvale, CA  - sequencing by hybridization
    Complete Genomics - Mountain View, CA  - next-gen sequencing
    Danaher - Washington, DC  - medical technologies and instrumentation, including sequencing
    Genome Corp. - Providence, RI  - sequencing
    GenoVoxx - Lübeck, Germany - developing sequencing-by-synthesis technology
    Helicos BioSciences - Cambridge, MA  - single molecule sequencing
    Illumina - San Diego, CA ; Wallingford, CT (CyVera); Hayward, CA (Solexa); Little Chesterford, UK (Solexa) - DNA microarray and next-gen sequencing
    Intelligent Bio-Systems - Waltham, MA  - next-gen sequencing
    LaserGen - Houston, TX  - next-gen sequencing based on cyclic reversible termination
    Li-Cor - Lincoln, NE  - life science imaging systems
    LightSpeed Genomics - Sunnyvale, CA  - next-gen sequencing
    Mobious Genomics - Exeter, UK - ultra-long range DNA sequencing by way of "Molecular Resonance Sequencing Technology"
    NABsys - Providence, RI  - next-gen sequencing using "hybridization assisted nanopore sequencing"
    Nanophotonics Biosciences - Menlo Park, CA  - next-gen sequecing
    Network Biosystems - Woburn, MA  - microfulidics and nanotechnology
    Pacific Biosciences - Menlo Park, CA  - next-gen sequencing company
    Population Genetics Technologies - , UK - next-gen sequencing
    Reveo - Hawthorne, NY  - technology incubator and next-gen sequencing
    Seirad - Santa Fe, NM  - next-gen sequencing technology and software
    U.S. Genomics - Woburn, MA  - single molecule ultra-long high throughput sequencing
    VisiGen Biotechnologies - Houston, TX  - developing whole genome sequencing

  • #2
    List of next-gen...

    Hi James,

    Thanks for the list. Here is one addition:

    Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford UK. Single molecule DNA Sequencing.



    • #3
      Hi James,

      Great list indeed, one more for on there:

      GnuBio, Boston, US. Microfluidics based next-generation sequencing platform.

      Bio-IT june newsitem



      • #4
        U.S. Genomics definitely bailed from this space; I think Callida is defunct as well.

        VisiGen was bought by Life Tech. 454 by Roche

        Mobius has blown hot air for over a decade. Dubious whether they ever had anything.

        ZS Genetics is another electron microscopy-based technology claiming to play in this space.

        Trying to keep track of the early stage companies is a nightmare


        • #5
          Halcyon Molecular is another EM technology, very little is out there...


          • #6
            I've been meaning to pretty up my notes/understanding of all the IP in this space. It would make a nice visualization to track all the players/inventions, and their acquisition by each of the big players.

            As Keith alluded to, many of these ideas have been acquired or tanked.


            • #7
              Don't forget about
              Life Tech, which now includes Ion Torrent


              • #8
                Maybe these can be added to this already existing list:


                • #9
                  QuantuMDx ( - Nanowire sequencing


                  • #10
                    NGS service for cancer research

                    Seems to be a supplement for the already existing list.

                    So I'd like to recommend Creative Biolabs as a leading customer service provider in the field of next-generation sequencing (NGS). With years of research and development experience, it has established a pioneer SuPrecision™ platform to offer accurate and high-throughput sequencing services to meet every unique requirement of clients, especially for NGS-Based immuno-oncology research.

                    Please find it at


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by james hadfield View Post
                      Hi All,
                      I found this list of other technologies and thought is would be good to share.
                      Feel free to add and take a look at the website the data came from...

                      454 - Branford, CT  - genome analysis by high throughput sequencing (sequence-by-synthesis)
                      Affymetrix - Santa Clara, CA  - photolithographic DNA microarrays
                      Applied Biosystems Group (ABI) - Foster City, CA  - molecular biology instrumentation and reagents
                      AQI Sciences - Bisbee, AZ  - single-molecule sequencing technology based on FRET
                      Base4innovation - Coventry, UK - next-gen sequencing using single molecule, ultra long read nanosensors
                      BioNanomatrix - Philadelphia, PA  - nanotechnology imaging
                      Callida Genomics - Sunnyvale, CA  - sequencing by hybridization
                      Complete Genomics - Mountain View, CA  - next-gen sequencing
                      Danaher - Washington, DC  - medical technologies and instrumentation, including sequencing
                      Genome Corp. - Providence, RI  - sequencing
                      GenoVoxx - Lübeck, Germany - developing sequencing-by-synthesis technology
                      Helicos BioSciences - Cambridge, MA  - single molecule sequencing
                      Illumina - San Diego, CA ; Wallingford, CT (CyVera); Hayward, CA (Solexa); Little Chesterford, UK (Solexa) - DNA microarray and next-gen sequencing
                      Intelligent Bio-Systems - Waltham, MA  - next-gen sequencing
                      LaserGen - Houston, TX  - next-gen sequencing based on cyclic reversible termination
                      Li-Cor - Lincoln, NE  - life science imaging systems
                      LightSpeed Genomics - Sunnyvale, CA  - next-gen sequencing
                      Mobious Genomics - Exeter, UK - ultra-long range DNA sequencing by way of "Molecular Resonance Sequencing Technology"
                      NABsys - Providence, RI  - next-gen sequencing using "hybridization assisted nanopore sequencing"
                      Nanophotonics Biosciences - Menlo Park, CA  - next-gen sequecing
                      Network Biosystems - Woburn, MA  - microfulidics and nanotechnology
                      Pacific Biosciences - Menlo Park, CA  - next-gen sequencing company
                      Population Genetics Technologies - , UK - next-gen sequencing
                      Reveo - Hawthorne, NY  - technology incubator and next-gen sequencing
                      Seirad - Santa Fe, NM  - next-gen sequencing technology and software
                      U.S. Genomics - Woburn, MA  - single molecule ultra-long high throughput sequencing
                      VisiGen Biotechnologies - Houston, TX  - developing whole genome sequencing
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