I have an issue with Cuffquant v2.2.1, which fails to quantify the expression (create .cxb files) of the current RNA-seq I am working on:
Inspecting maps and determining fragment length distributions. Map Properties: Normalized Map Mass: 0.00 Raw Map Mass: 0.00 Number of Multi-Reads: 0 (with 0 total hits) Fragment Length Distribution: Truncated Gaussian (default) Default Mean: 200 Default Std Dev: 80
I have doublechecked / considered those error sources and would like to ask you, if you are aware of other possible reasons:
- Reads: Initially quality trimmed, but after I read here in the forum, that this might confuse cufflinks when determining insert sizes, I also aligned the untrimmed reads (adaptors cut) with no luck either.
- Aligner: bbmap 34.41, but I set the options xstag=T and xmtag=T, which is supposed to generate bamfiles suitable for Cufflinks.
- Alignments are indexed. There are clear signals at the positions of the transcripts visible in bedgraph.
- Reference genome and GTF-file: Both have been used for multiple alignments and correctly quantified SE-RNA-seqs. Chromosome names do match. I also unsuccessfully tried another cufflinks-usable GTF-file from a collaborating bioinformatician.
- Although I believe fr-unstranded is the correct library type for the experiment, I tried all three one by one.
- I installed and tried cufflinks v. 2.2.0 instead of v.2.2.1. Both versions successfully were able to requantify a previous RNA-seq and are hence working (same aligner, reference genome and gtf file used)
I would appreciate any suggestions, what I could still try. I am out of ideas at the moment...
Thanks for your help