Hi to everyone, i need your help!
I am currently working in Cytogenetics in a lab located in Montevideo (Uruguay), and i am working with a mouse cell line. I am able to identify each chromosome of this cell line, based on its unique pattern of dark and light bands. I am interested in studying the sequence of the chromosome's pair 1. Through Chromosome microdissection I physically removes the complete chromosome of pair 1 from the slide. Then i procedure to make multiple copies of the isolated Chromosome using Sigma GenomePlex Single Cell Whole Amplification Kit, that work in three step 1)fragment the chromosome dna, 2)prepare a DNA library, 3)amplification of the DNA fragment
I need to sequence the whole chromosome, but in Montevideo, we don not account even with this new and incredible technology in sequencing DNA.
I was wonderng if this amplified sample of the entire chromosome (explaind before) would work if i send it to sequence with Illumina Hiseq2000 for example?
Which other things i have to take into consideration?
I really appreciate any response, criticisms or recommendations
I am currently working in Cytogenetics in a lab located in Montevideo (Uruguay), and i am working with a mouse cell line. I am able to identify each chromosome of this cell line, based on its unique pattern of dark and light bands. I am interested in studying the sequence of the chromosome's pair 1. Through Chromosome microdissection I physically removes the complete chromosome of pair 1 from the slide. Then i procedure to make multiple copies of the isolated Chromosome using Sigma GenomePlex Single Cell Whole Amplification Kit, that work in three step 1)fragment the chromosome dna, 2)prepare a DNA library, 3)amplification of the DNA fragment
I need to sequence the whole chromosome, but in Montevideo, we don not account even with this new and incredible technology in sequencing DNA.
I was wonderng if this amplified sample of the entire chromosome (explaind before) would work if i send it to sequence with Illumina Hiseq2000 for example?
Which other things i have to take into consideration?
I really appreciate any response, criticisms or recommendations