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  • ampure beads

    Left my beads on bench overnight. Is it still OK to use?

  • #2
    The performance shouldn't be affected from sitting at room temperature overnight. The beads are just magnets in polyethylene glycol; there's nothing in terms of enzymes or anything that would degrade. As long as you don't boil them or freeze them they'll last a while.


    • #3
      only potential problem is stuff growing in them and that stuff's DNA getting into whatever library you were making. not a problem for all library prep protocols.


      • #4
        Thank you.


        • #5
          Hi, what do you think might happen if you by chance happen to freeze them??


          • #6
            i frequently freeze beads under water sup during elution and then thaw, incubate, and remove beads later

            if you freeze the raw ampure solution i'm not sure what happens, it's pretty concentrated stuff so there might be some precipitation. or maybe not. if not i bet they're fine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by elhb View Post
              Hi, what do you think might happen if you by chance happen to freeze them??
              I have always heard that freezing magnetic beads in general makes them behave "weird," but I don't recall any actual details or evidence.

              Leaving AMPure XP beads on your bench overnight will not affect the performance at all. I have known people who stored beads at room temp for weeks and used them regularly with no problems, although I wouldn't recommend that.


              • #8
                I have personally left Ampure beads out, ON, on accident. Paranoid, I thought I couldn't use them, but I did, and everything was just fine!


                • #9
                  i was wondering about left Ampure by chance the beads at Room temperature for two weeks and i don't know if it still works or not and it costs me around 700 pounds?
                  please help me or any suggestions that would be appreciated.

                  thank you very much


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hssalgh2 View Post
                    i was wondering about left Ampure by chance the beads at Room temperature for two weeks and i don't know if it still works or not and it costs me around 700 pounds?
                    please help me or any suggestions that would be appreciated.

                    thank you very much
                    The beads should be fine.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hssalgh2 View Post
                      i was wondering about left Ampure by chance the beads at Room temperature for two weeks and i don't know if it still works or not and it costs me around 700 pounds?
                      please help me or any suggestions that would be appreciated.

                      thank you very much
                      There are many protocols for producing "home-made" Ampure beads . The one I follow (Rohland & Reich, Genome Res 2012) uses NaN3 (sodium azide) as preservative at a final conc of 0.05%. Ampure beads are SO expensive, I do hope that Beckman is also using NaN3 to increase their shelf life! They simply must do it


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Simone78 View Post
                        There are many protocols for producing "home-made" Ampure beads . The one I follow (Rohland & Reich, Genome Res 2012) uses NaN3 (sodium azide) as preservative at a final conc of 0.05%. Ampure beads are SO expensive, I do hope that Beckman is also using NaN3 to increase their shelf life! They simply must do it
                        Thank you so much but is it ok when I left beads on the shelf for two weeks not in the friadg that happen by chance!



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Simone78 View Post
                          There are many protocols for producing "home-made" Ampure beads . The one I follow (Rohland & Reich, Genome Res 2012) uses NaN3 (sodium azide) as preservative at a final conc of 0.05%. Ampure beads are SO expensive, I do hope that Beckman is also using NaN3 to increase their shelf life! They simply must do it
                          A qucik look at the SDS ( ) confirms that they do.


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