I have low library yield problem with Illumina trueseq stranded total RNA kit.My final library yield is not detectable on Qubit.Sequence facility returned samples as they didn't pass test run.I have tried almost everything.New reagents,more input, longer adapter ligation times.
I checked yield after Ds cDNA synthesis, which was good.Something always goes wrong between A-tailing and adapter ligation.After second wash with beads, i m losing all.
Kindly suggest something.
I have low library yield problem with Illumina trueseq stranded total RNA kit.My final library yield is not detectable on Qubit.Sequence facility returned samples as they didn't pass test run.I have tried almost everything.New reagents,more input, longer adapter ligation times.
I checked yield after Ds cDNA synthesis, which was good.Something always goes wrong between A-tailing and adapter ligation.After second wash with beads, i m losing all.
Kindly suggest something.