I'm having trouble running mirDeep2, and I was hoping someone could help me out. I ran mirDeep2 fine the other day, but now it's mysteriously no longer working. The first step of using bowtie to process the reference genome seems to be working fine, but my issue is when I go to the next step:
I get the following errors:
discarding sequences with non-canonical letters
discarding short reads
collapsing reads
mapping reads to genome index
trimming unmapped nts in the 3' ends
Mapping statistics
#desc total mapped unmapped %mapped %unmapped
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in subtraction (-) at mapper.pl line 630.
total: 293297 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in print at mapper.pl line 630.
293297 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at mapper.pl line 631.
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at mapper.pl line 631.
0.000 1.000
Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at mapper.pl line 633.
seq: 293297 Use of uninitialized value in print at mapper.pl line 633.
293297 Use of uninitialized value in division (/) at mapper.pl line 634.
Use of uninitialized value in division (/) at mapper.pl line 634.
0.000 1.000
I'm getting these divide by zero errors because there are absolutely no reads being mapped to the genome - my reads_collapsed_vs_genome.arf file that's generated is completely empty.
When I ran this the other day using the same set of data, it worked perfectly (generated pdfs and everything). In the interrum, I installed Biopieces in order to use their find_adaptor and clip_adaptor functions, because I only had about 25% of my reads mapping, and I thought some of my reads may have sequencing into the adaptors and that was affecting my ability to map them back to the genome. But since installing that, I keep getting this mirDeep2 error - nothing is mapping! Even if I go back and use all the data that worked before, it doesn't work.
Any ideas? Thanks so much for helping.
perl mapper.pl hg19miRNA_reads.fasta -c -j -l 18 -m -p HUMAN_Whole_Genome -s HUMAN_reads_collapsed.fa -t HUMAN_reads_collapsed_vs_genome.arf -v
discarding sequences with non-canonical letters
discarding short reads
collapsing reads
mapping reads to genome index
trimming unmapped nts in the 3' ends
Mapping statistics
#desc total mapped unmapped %mapped %unmapped
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in subtraction (-) at mapper.pl line 630.
total: 293297 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in print at mapper.pl line 630.
293297 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at mapper.pl line 631.
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at mapper.pl line 631.
0.000 1.000
Use of uninitialized value in subtraction (-) at mapper.pl line 633.
seq: 293297 Use of uninitialized value in print at mapper.pl line 633.
293297 Use of uninitialized value in division (/) at mapper.pl line 634.
Use of uninitialized value in division (/) at mapper.pl line 634.
0.000 1.000
I'm getting these divide by zero errors because there are absolutely no reads being mapped to the genome - my reads_collapsed_vs_genome.arf file that's generated is completely empty.
When I ran this the other day using the same set of data, it worked perfectly (generated pdfs and everything). In the interrum, I installed Biopieces in order to use their find_adaptor and clip_adaptor functions, because I only had about 25% of my reads mapping, and I thought some of my reads may have sequencing into the adaptors and that was affecting my ability to map them back to the genome. But since installing that, I keep getting this mirDeep2 error - nothing is mapping! Even if I go back and use all the data that worked before, it doesn't work.
Any ideas? Thanks so much for helping.