I know there are a couple similar threads pertaining to "project lock file" errors in Newbler, but none have answers, so I'm hoping if I resurrect the question we'll get an answer.
I run Newbler on clusters at a university campus. Until recently, I've been using a small cluster with 8 CPUs and 32GB ram. I ran Newbler without any complications and assembled a de novo transcriptome.
Now, I am changing clusters. My new cluster has 48 cores and 192GB ram. I imported my .fna transcriptome files and attempted to run runMapping (the command line version of gsMapper). On the old cluster the mapping ran fine, but on this new cluster I get the error "Project Lock File" as soon as the program starts. Apparently, runMapping tries to create the output directory and access the transcriptome .fna files, and immediately aborts and all I get in this message.
In another post someone had the same problem and ambiguously reports that he fixed the problem after configuring Newbler to be compatible with large clusters.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this problem? I tried re-importing the transcriptome files, changing their directory, etc.
I know there are a couple similar threads pertaining to "project lock file" errors in Newbler, but none have answers, so I'm hoping if I resurrect the question we'll get an answer.
I run Newbler on clusters at a university campus. Until recently, I've been using a small cluster with 8 CPUs and 32GB ram. I ran Newbler without any complications and assembled a de novo transcriptome.
Now, I am changing clusters. My new cluster has 48 cores and 192GB ram. I imported my .fna transcriptome files and attempted to run runMapping (the command line version of gsMapper). On the old cluster the mapping ran fine, but on this new cluster I get the error "Project Lock File" as soon as the program starts. Apparently, runMapping tries to create the output directory and access the transcriptome .fna files, and immediately aborts and all I get in this message.
In another post someone had the same problem and ambiguously reports that he fixed the problem after configuring Newbler to be compatible with large clusters.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this problem? I tried re-importing the transcriptome files, changing their directory, etc.