Dear 454 users,
I have been having problems with 454 sequencing for a couple months now. I will outline all the problems I have encountered and hope you can weigh on with your suggestions or perhaps similiar issues (solutions). This is happening for both Lib-A and Lib-L. Although I seem to have better stats with Lib-L.
1. Sticky DNA Beads with Enrichment beads. Both DNA amplified and NULL beads will stick to Enrichment beads during washing/melting.
2. Sequencing runs have very low RAW WELL NUMBERS.
3. Very high rate of broken wells in SV titration reactions.
4. Severely low enrichment values (2-4%) in LV emPCR reactions despite using very high copies per bead numbers (>5cpb). Titrations seemed very good in duplicates but LV does not mimic SV titrations.
5. Sequencing runs yield much shorter read lengths than anticipated, despite the enrichment rate being between 10-15%.
If any of you have experienced any of these problems, please feel free to weigh on the issue and perhaps give me a solution. I am currently unable to resolve any of this.
Everything worked fine (well) until a couple months ago. Then suddently all these issues popped up. I am not doing anything different and I am using the same machines since the beginning.
Thank you.
I have been having problems with 454 sequencing for a couple months now. I will outline all the problems I have encountered and hope you can weigh on with your suggestions or perhaps similiar issues (solutions). This is happening for both Lib-A and Lib-L. Although I seem to have better stats with Lib-L.
1. Sticky DNA Beads with Enrichment beads. Both DNA amplified and NULL beads will stick to Enrichment beads during washing/melting.
2. Sequencing runs have very low RAW WELL NUMBERS.
3. Very high rate of broken wells in SV titration reactions.
4. Severely low enrichment values (2-4%) in LV emPCR reactions despite using very high copies per bead numbers (>5cpb). Titrations seemed very good in duplicates but LV does not mimic SV titrations.
5. Sequencing runs yield much shorter read lengths than anticipated, despite the enrichment rate being between 10-15%.
If any of you have experienced any of these problems, please feel free to weigh on the issue and perhaps give me a solution. I am currently unable to resolve any of this.
Everything worked fine (well) until a couple months ago. Then suddently all these issues popped up. I am not doing anything different and I am using the same machines since the beginning.
Thank you.